Rightsizing Feature

Cloud experts claim that Rightsizing is one of the most effective cloud cost optimization practices. Despite the fact that the majority of business owners understand the importance of rightsizing cloud resources, a lot of them still don’t have a clear picture of how their resources became overprovisioned, how to identify underutilized resources, and what to do next.
In this article, we’ll consider what rightsizing is, why we should rightsize and how to implement an effective rightsizing strategy to save money, and gain the maximum efficiency in the cloud.

What is Rightsizing?

Rightsizing implies increasing or decreasing the computing power or capacity of the instance. It’s a complex process that includes not only “cutting off what is odd”, as it is commonly viewed, but also proper research of the current situation, future workload forecast, and analytical sessions on best services or instance sizes to be used.
Generally, the thorough rightsizing process involves the steps listed below:

  • Analyzing instance performance and utilization;
  • Eliminating wasteful resources like idle instances;
  • Modifying the resources that don’t match the current workload.

Benefits of Rightsizing

Why should you rightsize? In the case of the cloud, the resources can be either downsized in order to save money, or upgraded to improve performance. So, the Rightsizing practice allows companies:

Reduce cloud costs and monthly bills
Rightsizing gives сompanies the possibility to get rid of the underutilized or unused resources. This leads to a reduction of monthly bills and thus saves the IT budget that can be reinvested in research and innovation instead.

Maximize resources utilization and improve the performance
The internet traffic can constantly fluctuate: it can increase and decrease, depending on various factors (like the season). During the Black Friday sale, for instance, the traffic grows rapidly and you may end up in a situation when there’s a lack of computing power, as you don’t need so many resources on ordinary days. The possible consequences are latency and downtime that are detrimental for the business.
You can add resources to the current ones, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, and balance the workload across the instances for better performance.

See the whole picture and plan the IT budget more accurately
Visibility facilitates the process of budget planning. Rightsizing implies monitoring the consumption rates and spendings across the deployed cloud architecture (multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, etc.). So, it allows companies to observe the current situation in greater detail, as well as forecast the future workload fluctuations and costs.

Rightsize your cloud resources with Binadox

Using the Binadox platform for Rightsizing allows setting the estimated future workload manually. Once this is done, the platform will start analyzing the current utilization and cost and suggest ways to optimize assets.  

Create recommendations

Not only will you be able to see the whole consumption trends and costs of your cloud but also the new recommended instance sizes and their cost.

Resource details

Once the recommendation is ready you can send it to your IT team to the connected communication channel (Slack, Email, Zendesk, ServiceNow, or Freshdesk) for negotiating over the required action.

The Tickets Window

To learn how to start deploying the Binadox Rightsizing feature, read The Instruction.